Monday, September 21, 2015

Men and Lesbian Women

What’s the deal with men and lesbian women? Why are so many men sexually interested in lesbian women? Think it’s not true? Go to personal websites and notice how many lesbian women post warnings—“If you are a man don’t write!” Nevertheless, they persist. What is it?
It is not the first time I’ve seen it. I have friends who think that getting involved with a lesbian would be a “great” relationship. What prompts this thinking? I have several lesbian friends who tell me they are constantly pursued by heterosexual men who just won’t take no for an answer.
In some cases, I understand simply because a good-looking woman is always an attraction for a man before he finds out that she is a lesbian. After that, the dance of seduction should end. I would be the first to admit that any male in his right mind would be interested in my friends, BUT—although I love beautiful women, my interest suddenly wanes when women aren’t interested in me—no matter their sexual persuasion, although I'm sure at some time in my life I've been one of those retrogrades. Nevertheless, why go through the hassle?
I’ve seen men who can’t take "no" for an answer even in heterosexual situations and they are the bane of disinterested women everywhere, but to pursue a woman who’s interest clearly is in other women seems like an obvious chance to stay out of a no-win situation. Yet, they persist.
Why? I am not naïve, but it so clear-cut. Why would any man even waste the effort? Still, they persist. I’m sure some straight women try to seduce gay men, but without taking a survey, I’m sure the number is minute compared to men purposely trying to seduce lesbian women.
I try my best not to judge anyone, but in this case I’m going to make an exception by saying that men who knowingly pursue these women either have no idea of what it is they are doing, which I doubt, or they don’t care that they are invading another person’s space. In other words, they are not only shortsighted and insensitive, they are the same misanthropes who also persecute foreigners and participate in mob violence.

Is it just me? Or, am I too sensitive to the needs of others? Any woman who doesn’t want my attention is spared my interests no matter how strong they may be. I would expect the same treatment from any woman whom I did not want. So, again, what is it with men chasing after lesbian women? Is it ignorance, ego or lust? I suspect all three.

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