Republican Party members probably wish Donald Trump’s Twitter account could be revoked by the GOP because of the damage he’s done to the GOP and to his own campaign for President of the United States and the downstream chances for other GOP candidates. He is like three-day old fish except he can’t be thrown out or put in the garbage or like when visitors finally leave.
When November 8 comes, there will be plenty of GOP supporters voting Democrat for president when they are “behind closed doors.” Those reluctant endorsements will fade like the self-estimated billions he claimed, but never appeared for his supported campaign for the Presidency. The following is a compilation of insults from the New York Times.
“These comments are not private thoughts. Nor are they the results of an embarrassing hidden camera, an off-the-record comment of a document release. They are public statements made by Donald Trump to his 5.9 million Twitter account followers.
We know all of this because we’ve read, tagged and quoted them all.
The result is "Donald Trump's Twitter Insults: The Complete List (So Far." It's not a sample of some insults, or just those about his political rivals--though plenty of those exist. It's the full count--a 100 percent sample, in polling terms--presenting out best effort to categorize more than 4,00 tweets Mr. Trump has made since he declared his candidacy in June 2015.
Of those we found, that one in eight was a personal insult of some kind.
Perhaps most predictable is Mr. Trump's propensity to insult other presidential candidates, both Republican and Democrats. (In Mr. Trump’s words, John Kasich is a "dummy" and Rick Perry "should be forced to take an IQ test.” Trump has not only insulted his Democratic competition but members of his own party. It doesn’t end there; he has also insulted powerful news organizations and political donors, the life blood of a presidential campaign. Below are a few hundred Tweets Trump unleashed on his opponents and fellow GOP members.
He has referred to Hillary Clinton as “crooked” more than 80 times from June up to August 23, 2016. He also referred to her as “totally incompetent as a manager and leader.” “Corrupt and dishonest” were among his favorite descriptions of Hillary Clinton. There have been more but the gist of his campaign has been attacking Clinton on a personal level not on any particular platform.”[1]
Political campaigns are often compared to bare knuckle fighting, but Donald Trump appears to have a limited vocabulary and real penchant for saying the wrong things at the right time. For instance Trump referred to Clinton as "crooked" more than 160 times in the last two months demonstrating a limited vocabulary or a constituency that "doesn't understand big words" like Trump showed his limited command of the English language. Here is just a small list of the times he referred to Clinton as crooked in the last 60 days complete with tags.
“Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked” “Crooked”
We know all of this because we've read, tagged and quoted them all.
The result is "Donald Trump's Twitter Insults: The Complete List (So Far." It's not a sample of some insults, or just those about his political rivals--though plenty of those exist. It's the full count--a 100 percent sample, in polling terms--presenting out best effort to categorize more than 4,00 tweets Mr. Trump has made since he declared his candidacy in June 2015.
Of those we found, that one in eight was a personal insult of some kind.
Perhaps most predictable is Mr. Trump's propensity to insult other presidential candidates, both Republican and Democrats. (In Mr. Trump's words, John Kasich is a "dummy" and Rick Perry "should be forced to take an IQ test."[2]
Bernie Sanders: “Did Bernie go home and go to sleep?” “He just wants to shut down and go home to bed!” “Waste of time” “totally sold out” “has done such a complete fold” “has totally given up on his fight for the people” “has lost his energy and his strength” “flamed out” “no energy left!” “exhausted” “exhausted” “SAD!” “just can't go on any longer” “ending really weak” “has abandoned his supporters” “selling out!” “not true to himself” “has totally sold out”
Joe Biden, Vice president of the United States: “not very bright”
Bill Clinton, Former president of the United States: “Highly overrated!”
Bill and Hillary Clinton: “spend millions on negative ads on me!”
Michael Nutter: Former Mayor of Philadelphia: “doing a terrible job” “low life” “a crude dope!”
Barack Obama, President of the United States: “disastrous judgment” “perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!” “doesn't have a clue” “trying to destroy Israel with all his bad moves” “living in a world of the make believe!” “WEAK leadership”
Elizabeth Warren, United States Senator: “Sad to watch” “bombed last night!” “Pocahontas” “Pocahontas” “wanted V.P. slot so badly but wasn't chosen because she has done nothing in the Senate” “Pocahontas” “a very weak Senator” “Goofy” “Pocahontas” “Goofy” “the least productive Senator in the U.S. Senate” “Goofy” “goofy” “one of the least productive senators”
Bill de Blasio: Mayor of New York City: “the worst mayor in the United States” “disgrace” “worst mayor in the United States” “his ineptitude” “probably the worst Mayor in the history of #NYC”
The GOP: If there is one place Trump would seem to hold his tongue it would seem to be the Republican Party, but obviously that’s not so. Many that say they support Trump are going to vote across the line just because of the continued insults. Here is a sampling of what Trump had to say about his own Party and some of its high-profile members.
Jeb Bush, Former Florida Republican Governor: “no honor!” “failed presidential candidate” “low energy” “just got contact lenses and got rid of the glasses. He wants to look cool, but it's far too late” “Just another clueless politician!” “hypocrite” “has no clue” “failed campaign” “How can @JebBush beat Hillary Clinton- if he can't beat anyone else on the #GOPDebate stage with $150M?” “lightweight”
Ted Cruz, United States Senator: “Lyin', he should drop out of the race-stop wasting time & money” “Sad!” “Made all sorts of crazy charges” “really went wacko today” “Lyin'” “Can't function under pressure” “not very presidential” “Lyin', can never beat Hillary Clinton” “has NO path to victory” “can never beat Hilary Clinton” “Lyin'” “desperate” “weak”
Lindsey Graham, United States Senator: “no honor!” “failed presidential candidate” “in the end he had no support” “I ran him out of the race like a little boy” “ALL TALK AND NO ACTION!” “nasty!” “Failed presidential candidate”
Bobby Jindal, Former Louisiana Governor: “spent $1,000 to register in New Hampshire & dropped out the next day. Such a waste!” “lightweight”
Michael Bloomberg, Former Mayor of New York City: “Little” “never had the guts to run for president” “his last term as mayor was a disaster!”
Karl Rove, Former Deputy White House Chief of Staff: “a failed Jeb Bushy” “Never says anything good & never will” “Shouldn't be on the air!” “should be fired!” “sick” “loser” “so biased” “unfair” “still thinks Romney won” “dummy”
The Republican establishment: “Dishonest” “failing” “could not stop Obama (twice)” “out of self-preservation, is concerned w/ my high poll #s”
The Republican Party Political Party: “getting ready to treat me unfairly”
The Republican Party of Virginia: “total mess” “stupid” “be smart and win for a change” “has lost statewide 7 times in a row” “suicidal” “BAD!”
The mainstream media: “dishonest” “corrupt” “dishonest” “My rallies are not covered properly”
“never discuss the real message” “corrupt” “disgusting” “dishonest” “desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance” “totally distort so many things on purpose” “Very dishonest!” “totally biased” “very dishonest” “biased” “one-sided” “distorted” “dishonest” “dishonest” “coverage this morning of the very average Clinton speech and Convention is a joke” “phony” “will find a good spinnnn!” “dishonest” “biased” “spending more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the FBI spent on Hillary's emails” “They think the public is stupid!” “so dishonest” “If I make a statement, they twist it and turn it to make it sound bad or foolish”
Politico: “almost everybody quitting” “in total disarray” “bad, dishonest journlists” “Losing too much money. Great news!” “going out of business” “Bad reporting- no money, no cred!” “no credibility” “3rd rate $ losing” “some very untalented reporters” “Losers!” “pure scum”
Vanity Fair: “has lost almost all of it's former allure” “failing”
The Wall Street Journal: “bad at math, nobody cares what they say in their editorials anymore, especially me!” “seldom has a paper been so wrong” “failing” “so dishonest” “purposely mischaracterized my statement” “failing” “so totally wrong” “dummies” “so wrong, so often” “loves to write badly about me” “some of the dumbest people on television work for the Wall Street Journal” “looks like a tabloid” “ever-dwindling”
The Washington Post: “dishonest” “phony” “tax scam” “inaccurate” “dishonest reporting” “bad” “loses a fortune”
The Weekly Standard: “small and slightly failing magazine”
Meet the Press: “totally biased against me” “did a 1 hour hit job on me today” “totally biased and mostly false” “Dishonest” “very dishonest” “terrible ratings” “ratings starved”
Morning Joe: “unwatchable!” “low-rated” “sad & irrelevant!” “low ratings” “SAD!” “little watched” “Gone off the deep end” “Nobody is watching” “bad ratings” “low ratings!” “Small audience” “They misrepresent my positions!” “rapidly fading” “off the rails” “waste of time” “so off”
CNN New Day: “treats me very badly” “not going to watch anymore”
FOX News Program, The O'Reilly Factor”: “why don't you have some knowledgeable talking heads on your show for a change” “Boring!”
THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: “dishonest” “corrupt” “dishonest” “My rallies are not covered properly” “never discuss the real message” “corrupt” “disgusting” “dishonest” “desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance” “totally distort so many things on purpose” “Very dishonest!” “totally biased” “very dishonest” “biased” “one-sided” “distorted” “dishonest” “dishonest” “coverage this morning of the very average Clinton speech and Convention is a joke” “phony” “will find a good spinnnn!” “dishonest” “biased” “spending more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the FBI spent on Hillary's emails” “They think the public is stupid!” “so dishonest” “If I make a statement, they twist it and turn it to make it sound bad or foolish” “trying their absolute best to depict a star in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff's Star, or plain star!” “Dishonest” “so totally biased” “dishonesty” “one big lie!” “totally biased” “phony” “biased” “on a new phony kick about my management style” “dishonest” “dishonest” “disgusting” “False reporting, and plenty of it” “really on a witch-hunt against me” “pushing the false narrative that I want to raise taxes” “Crooked” “unfair” “has not covered my long-shot great finish in Iowa fairly” “able to so incorrectly define a word for the public” “sad!” “dishonest reporters!” “dishonest” “always tough when they falsify” “won't report!” “dishonest” “wants to surrender constitutional rights” “they only want negatives” “will not report the highly espected new national poll that just came out” “how will the media put a negative spin on this one?” “troublemakers” “despite the[ir] best efforts, the people are speaking loudly and clearly” “totally dishonest” “So sad!” “lies”
Perhaps Trump is right that the world is against him, but the way he’s gone about fixing that seems to be out of proportion to his manifestations. Democrats will vote Democrat in the upcoming election, what Republicans that have been insulted and derided will do is another thing. Memories are long and most people don’t take kindly to insults to them or their families. Entire organization, often bolt the coop behind closed doors.
Trump’s descriptions and charges against the media are suicidal. He is literally falling on his sword in nearly every interview. The press can make or break you as a politician and Trump has angered enough reporters, pundits and personalities that indeed he may have unintentionally turned the spot on himself. Either way as this short list shows, Trump’s loose lips could sink ships in the rough seas of global politics.
[1] The 250 People, Places and Things Donald Trump has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List, Jasmine C. Lee and Kevin Quealy, Updated July 29, 2016
[2] The 250 People, Places and Things Donald Trump has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List, Jasmine C. Lee and Kevin Quealy, Updated July 29, 2016
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