A few days
ago I completed a particularly distasteful task of reading a book that defended
American slavery based on "biblical" evidence and opinion considered
to be factual. Trying to read the interminable 590 page tract from a point of
neutrality never was a consideration. I expected to read a long list of
apologetics, justifications and excuses for the enslavement of other human
beings and I was not disappointed.

The books
title, "Bible Defence of Slavery Or
the Origins, History, and Fortunes of the Negro Race As Deduced from History,
both Sacred and Profane, Their Natural Relations--Moral, Mental, and Physical—to
the Other Races of Mankind, Compared and Illustrated—Their Future Destiny
Predicted, Etc." written by Josiah Priest in 1851, is a mixture clouded
logic, superstition and delusion. For me, it was little more than a profane and
slanderous recitation of ignorance of science, superstition and racial
instance, in the Bible Adam and Eve are parents to all mankind, but not in the
author's interpretation. According to the author, there was only one race and
Negroes were the offspring of Ham, Noah's black son. The claims that until then
all of the children of Adam and Eve were "red" or the "hue"
of copper. Somehow and for some reason God decides that one of Noah's would be
white and one black. So, Noah and his wife were the mother and father of
mankind as the rest of all living things would die in the great flood. This
more than once, according to the author who also claims that Jesus, although
born of a Hebrew or "red" mother, was white.
There many
opportunities for laughter in the book, but I couldn't bring even a smile to my
face despite the utter silliness and crackpot nature of its writer. Priest
gained some notoriety as a writer during the first half of the 19th century.
Although he possessed no formal education, Priest passed himself off as an
authority on a variety of subjects, including biblical exegesis and biology. In
fact, he earned dubious distinction as one of the creators of pseudoscientific
As part of my ongoing course of Religious Justifications, reading Priest's interminable tract was distasteful, but at times humorous with its illogical thought, which is still in use today on a variety of subjects that have nothing to do with this review. Nevertheless, Priest's depiction of slavery as God's will and judicial covenant runs throughout the
book as recurrent themes. Prieist is not alone in using holy writ to justify some of the most heinous acts in the name of religion , he is just one who wasted more than 500 pages on stupidity and pure idiocy to do it.
As I read
each page of overt racism and Godly justification of the human holocaust known
as slavery, I couldn't help thinking of distant ancestors and relatives that I
never knew who suffered because of avarice and execrations. The few, I knew
were old and shared what they could with a young boy during the end of Jim
Crow. As repugnant as I found the book, as an African American, it brought a
subject that met my consideration numerous times and that is, the apparent
affinity the black community has with a religion used to enslave.
I guess that
is another topic altogether, but the use of the Bible to enslave African men
and women is readily apparent in Priest's racist bilge. Nevertheless, for those
unfamiliar with one of the most despicable and horrific acts ever envisioned
and acted out, Priest's book provides a glimpse of the mentality used to
justify the bondage of other human beings.
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